Youth Charity League (YCL) began in the autumn of 2017 in Portland, Oregon. Three working moms couldn’t find an inclusive place to introduce their children to community service. Sure, there were some options out there, but they just didn’t feel like a good fit. They were too stuffy and old-fashioned, too rule burdened, included too many other distracting requirements, didn’t take children younger than high-school aged, or were exclusive to boys or girls.
What these parents wanted was a place where the spirit of giving grew, not from the size of your wallet, the importance of your title, or the extent of your privilege. They wanted a place where what really mattered most was the size of your heart.
YCL formed around giving families with children a place to begin growing the size of their hearts at a young age. YCL focuses on delivering philanthropic opportunities for caregivers and children in age-appropriate ways. Joining a YCL team provides a place for families to instill a sense of community and giving into a child’s core character through hands-on activities and behavior modeling. YCL’s goal is to create a deep sense of responsibility beyond just filling in the blank on a college application.
Being inclusive means being open to all. YCL accepts any family arrangement of adult/caregiver and child. YCL is simple and straightforward. For an attainable membership fee, families are given access to volunteer opportunities in their community, peer mentorship, recognition, and fellowship with other families ready to raise a generation of socially-conscious changemakers.
Will your family join us?